Dear Friend/Loved One/Santa,
Seasons greetings!
If you have not heard, I am striving toward a Zero Waste Lifestyle. This means that I am trying to produce no more than a mason jar of waste every month. So far, I'm doing pretty well! However, I worry that the holiday season may make this goal impossible simply because my loved ones don't know what to do about my new lifestyle.
Okay but in all seriousness: let me preface this by saying that I'm so blessed to have enough people giving me gifts over the holidays to even warrant me writing this letter. I hope no one takes this as a middle finger to the holiday spirit, but instead an opportunity to show that you care in a way that supports my new way of living.
Therefore, if you are planning on giving me a gift this Christmas, I thought you all might appreciate a wish list that is completely Zero Waste proof. Please don't see this as the end-all-be-all to gifts for Helen. I'll love whatever you get me.
A donation to a charity!
There are so many great organizations that I love and do not have the expendable income to support financially. Therefore, what I want for Christmas is a donation to an organization that I support. Here are 4 different charities that hopefully offer a wide enough variety for anyone to feel comfortable donating:
- An ocean conservation charity like Mission Blue: or Oceana:
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri, which I am currently an active member of:
- National Novel Writing Month, which I participate in every year and continues to help me realize my dream of writing novels:
An event or outing (especially if I get to go with you)!
Things are temporary; experiences last forever. Whether it's catching up over coffee or trying something new together, bring your day planner to whatever holiday party I see you at and we'll schedule a date :)
A zero waste item!
There are a lot of things that would make my zero waste lifestyle a lot easier. I can't get enough of:
- Mason jars
- Loose leaf tea
- Non-plastic planters
- House plants--especially herbs or edible plants
- Towels, washcloths, and handkerchiefs
If you would like to get me a zero waste item that I only need one of, reach out to me and I'll give you a unique suggestion.
Please don't wrap my gift
Regardless of what you get me, I ask that you to please not wrap it. I know that giving a wrapped gift makes it feel more ceremonial for the giver and surprising for the receiver, but wrapping paper, tissue paper, and decorative bags create an insane amount of waste. I promise I will be just as excited to receive your unwrapped present. However, if you would like to still have the big reveal moment, please use something reusable--like a tote bag or cloth grocery bag--that I can return to you after I open my present.
Thank you all for your understanding and tolerance as I make the transition into your crazy hippie friend/relative.
Love and blessings,
Labels: manners, shopping, zero waste