A Christmas Letter Template for Zero Wasters

As Black Friday approaches we turn our attention once again to that which binds us all together: love. Most importantly, showing that love with lots of festively wrapped and labeled gifts. Gift giving and receiving can get a bit awkward when you're trying to be zero waste because:

  1. We're trying to reduce our belongings to decrease the likelihood that they'll end up in a landfill (sorry gift givers, not all of them can be winners).
  2. Christmas gifts are almost always wrapped in non-reusable, non-recyclable materials. While this can add to the excitement of giving and opening a gift, landfills are a steep price to pay. Americans create 25% more waste between Thanksgiving and the New Year than they do the rest of the year.
  3. We realize that when someone is giving us a gift it's meant to be a sign that they love us and know us well enough to get something we'll really enjoy. So asking for no gifts is like a slap in Love's face.

So recently I sent this email out to my friends and loved ones in an attempt to curb the crazy amount of trash that comes with being vaguely Christian in December. I encourage you to take the awkward plunge of informing your friends and family of your zero waste wishes. If they love you more than conditionally, they'll respect your lifestyle. And if they don't, now you know who to leave out of your will. Please note that I do not yet have any idea how effective this letter is. I'll have to update this blog once the holiday season is over.

Dear Friend/Loved One/Santa,

Seasons greetings! 
If you have not heard, I am striving toward a Zero Waste Lifestyle. This means that I am trying to produce no more than a mason jar of waste every month. So far, I'm doing pretty well! However, I worry that the holiday season may make this goal impossible simply because my loved ones don't know what to do about my new lifestyle.
Okay but in all seriousness: let me preface this by saying that I'm so blessed to have enough people giving me gifts over the holidays to even warrant me writing this letter. I hope no one takes this as a middle finger to the holiday spirit, but instead an opportunity to show that you care in a way that supports my new way of living. 
Therefore, if you are planning on giving me a gift this Christmas, I thought you all might appreciate a wish list that is completely Zero Waste proof. Please don't see this as the end-all-be-all to gifts for Helen. I'll love whatever you get me. 

A donation to a charity!

There are so many great organizations that I love and do not have the expendable income to support financially. Therefore, what I want for Christmas is a donation to an organization that I support. Here are 4 different charities that hopefully offer a wide enough variety for anyone to feel comfortable donating:

An event or outing (especially if I get to go with you)!

Things are temporary; experiences last forever. Whether it's catching up over coffee or trying something new together, bring your day planner to whatever holiday party I see you at and we'll schedule a date :)

A zero waste item! 

There are a lot of things that would make my zero waste lifestyle a lot easier. I can't get enough of:
If you would like to get me a zero waste item that I only need one of, reach out to me and I'll give you a unique suggestion. 

Please don't wrap my gift

Regardless of what you get me, I ask that you to please not wrap it. I know that giving a wrapped gift makes it feel more ceremonial for the giver and surprising for the receiver, but wrapping paper, tissue paper, and decorative bags create an insane amount of waste. I promise I will be just as excited to receive your unwrapped present. However, if you would like to still have the big reveal moment, please use something reusable--like a tote bag or cloth grocery bag--that I can return to you after I open my present. 
Thank you all for your understanding and tolerance as I make the transition into your crazy hippie friend/relative. 

Love and blessings,

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