The Truth About Saving Money with Zero Waste

I come across this statement a lot when watching videos or reading blogs about zero waste: "You'll save money with zero waste because blah blah blah." Unfortunately as great as it sounds, it simply isn't true. 

At least, not everyone will save money compared to how they lived before going zero waste. If you're a shopping addict or even someone who eats out for every meal, you'll probably see more in your bank account at the end of the month. But the hard truth is zero waste is a privilege, not a one-size-fits-all lifestyle. Having the time, the money, and access to the right opportunities (bulk bin grocery stores, affordable farmers markets, decent housing, etc.) makes a big difference when financing a zero waste goal.

If that bruises your ego, I'm not sorry. I started this blog to talk openly and honestly about zero waste and my experience. Because pretending that we've found the solution doesn't actually fix the problem of landfills, pollution, mindless plastic production, and hyper-consumerist lifestyles. It's just being ignorant.

However, I also don't want to scare those capable of going zero waste from making the transition. So, in an effort to educate budget-minded zero waste hopefuls, I've compiled a list of:

Hopefully knowing this stuff ahead of time will help you stay on track once you begin. Stay tuned for all the juicy details. Managing finances has never been so fun...

...OR You Can Follow Me on Instagram @theHelenW

I'll be posting way more zero waste stuff there, and pictures are ALWAYS more fun than finances.

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